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Course on Good Scientific Practices, new editions in online version

Fundación General CSIC, with the support of Banco Santander, is launching three editions of the Course on Good Scientific Practices in 2021, an advanced training activity aimed at young scientists (doctoral students) as an integral component of their preparation and professional development.

The new editions, scheduled for the months of February, April and May, contemplate the delivery, through a synchronous online teaching methodology, of 11 didactic modules. These address different subjects ranging from the fundamentals of scientific integrity for the ethical development of research, to the analysis of today’s complex scientific system, including the obligations of the researcher and the relationships between scientists, with other elements of the system and with society. In short, the aim is to provide researchers with clear elements of reference for the proper exercise of their task, including the development of projects, execution of research, data collection and processing, protection and communication of results, dissemination activities and evaluation of research.

Each course will have a duration of 25 teaching hours spread over five weeks and will have a maximum of 20 participants. Those interested can register from the 18th of January.

Since its inception in 2018, the Course on Good Scientific Practices has held four face-to-face editions in different Spanish cities in which, in total, more than a hundred students have participated. With these new editions, Fundación General CSIC consolidates its commitment to the implementation and consolidation of a culture of scientific integrity and responsible research in Spanish science.

Pre-registration and information