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Microsites on Ageing and Endangered Species

In order to provide specific information about its Aging and Threatened species strategic lines the Fundación General CSIC has set up microsites on each of these topics, which are directly accessible from its website. The microsites are subdivided into five blocks. The Home page gives an overview of the main points and new content to […]

Lychnos. Edición Digital

La Fundación General CSIC lanza la edición digital de Lychnos, revista de divulgación científica que, con periodicidad trimestral, se edita en papel, tanto en castellano como en inglés. Con este nuevo formato, se traslada al medio digital la imagen de la publicación impresa, cuyos contenidos podrán ser consultados de forma más sencilla y cómoda para […]

Lychnos. Digital Edition

Fundación General CSIC has launched a digital edition of Lychnos, its quarterly science journal for non-specialists, which is published in print form in both Spanish and English. This new format translates the look and feel of the print publication to digital media, enabling users to access its contents more easily and conveniently. Its clear structure […]

Las especies amenazadas, en Lychnos 3

El número 3 de la revista Lychnos correspondiente a diciembre de 2010 analiza de forma monográfica el tema de las especies amenazadas. Enrique Macpherson, ecólogo marino del Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CSIC), es el encargado de introducirnos en la materia. Resalta en su artículo que en solo medio siglo el ser humano ha […]

Endangered species in Lychnos 3

Issue 3 of the journal Lychnos, published in December 2010, is devoted to the issue of endangered species. The journal starts with an introduction to the subject by Enrique Macpherson, a marine ecologist at the Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CSIC). His article highlights that in just half a century human beings have wiped […]

FGCSIC Proyectos Cero on Endangered Species funding decisions announced

The Fundación General CSIC’s 2010 call for Proyectos Cero proposals on Endangered Species was launched on March 15 and the winning proposals were announced on October 7. Five projects have been selected, for which a budget of 1,085,000 euros has been pledged. Funding will provided by Banco Santander, the Spanish National Research Council (Agencia Estatal […]

Retransmisión en directo de la jornada de Envejecimiento

La Fundación General CSIC ha retransmitido en directo, a través de video streaming, la jornada sobre Envejecimiento, celebrada el día 16 de noviembre. Aproximadamente, cien personas siguieron el acto a través de la Red. Seguimiento en directo de la Jornada a través de la web de FGCSIC Por otra parte, Twitter sirvió de transmisor de […]

The FGCSIC seminar on ageing is broadcast live online

The Fundación General CSIC broadcast its seminar on ageing, held on 16 November, live via video streaming. Around a hundred people followed the event online. The seminar was relayed live on the FGCSIC’s website The Foundation also used Twitter to relay content over the course of the one-day event, enabling fluid communications and enhancing the […]