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The Fundación General CSIC publishes the first issue of its journal Lychnos


Lychnos: Notebooks of the Fundación General CSIC is a quarterly scientific journal addressing non-specialist audiences which aims to become a public forum for discussion and debate, and in which leading scientists and players in the R&D system can express their views to society as a whole.

Lychnos looks at significant areas of R&D in a way that makes them accessible to a variety of audiences. Its flexible and dynamic structure is backed up with the rigorous and accurate content today’s non-specialist but demanding and well educated audiences call for. The journal’s name, which comes from a Greek word for a source of light, alludes to the shape of the Foundation’s logo, and reflects its goal of shedding light on scientific issues that directly affect people and their environment.

Through Lychnos the FGCSIC aims to contribute to raising awareness in the productive sector and society as a whole of the importance of scientific research, and to project an image establishing the institution as a genuine platform on which research, business and society can meet, and in which all the system’s stakeholders can feel themselves to be represented.

Cover of the first issue of Lychnos

The first issue of Lychnos is largely devoted to describing the Foundation and its goals, explaining its role in the science and technology system, its strategic lines and main activities. The issue includes contributions from leading experts, who have provided the bulk of the content in each of its sections. These outstanding contributors include the Foundation’s president, Rafael Rodrigo, and honorary president, Federico Mayor Zaragoza, along with researchers, Jordi Bascompte (CSIC), Alejandro Sánchez (SEO), Carlos López Otín (University of Oviedo), María Ángeles Durán (CSIC), Rosario Heras (CIEMAT), Joan María Esteban (CSIC), Victoria Ley (ANEP), Javier Echeverría (CSIC), José Manuel Fernández de Labastida (MICINN) and Juan Mulet (COTEC).

The journal will also be published in English and will be available to the FGCISC website’s registered users registrados en nuestra web.