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The FGCSIC’s reports are studies on R&D on topics relating to its strategic lines (Threatened species; Ageing, disability and illness; Human ecology and development; and Frontiers). Report preparation involves an initial search strategy, with a definition of all the relevant variables, followed by an extensive information gathering process, so as to provide as full a picture as possible of the state of play.

sites/default/files/InformeEnvejecimiento.pdf» target=»_blank» class=»ir_a_pdf»>Download PDF sites/default/files/INF-EnergiaAuto.pdf» target=»_blank» class=»ir_a_pdf»>Download PDFsites/default/files/INF-EnergiaAuto_Resumen_Ejecutivo.pdf» target=»_blank» class=»ir_a_pdf»>Executive Summary PDF