The annual reports of the Fundación General CSIC cover the activities and projects which, following our strategic lines and programmes, were carried out in the preceding year.
 . drupal_get_path('theme', 'fgcsic') ?>/img/memoria_2012.jpg»><br />
<strong>2012 Annual Report</strong></p><p>Spanish edition.</p><p>Publication date: June 2013</p><p>Pages: 78</p><p></p><p>
<a href=)
 . drupal_get_path('theme', 'fgcsic') ?>/img/memoria_2011.jpg»><br />
<strong>2011 Annual Report</strong></p><p>Spanish edition.</p><p>Publication date: June 2012</p><p>Pages: 92</p><p></p><p>
<a href=)
 . drupal_get_path('theme', 'fgcsic') ?>/img/memoria_2010.jpg»><br />
<strong>2010 Annual Report</strong></p><p>Bilingual edition: Spanish and English.</p><p>Publication date: July 2011</p><p>Pages: 130</p><p></p><p>
<a href=)
 . drupal_get_path('theme', 'fgcsic') ?>/img/memoria_2009.jpg»><br />
<strong>2009 Annual Report </strong></p><p>Bilingual edition: Spanish and English.</p><p>Publication date: July 2010</p><p>Pages: 56</p><p></p><p>
<a href=)
The annual reports of the Fundación General CSIC cover the activities and projects which, following our strategic lines and programmes, were carried out in the preceding year.